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My Home Visiting Service allows me to come to you in the privacy of your own home. The information I provide is up to date and evidence based. I can help you with both Post Natal and Ante Natal issues such as:


Post Natal

*   Positioning and attachment difficulties

*   Sore Nipples
*   Low/over-supply
*   Slow weight gain
*   Breast refusal

*   Mastitis, blocked ducts, thrush

*   Expressing breastmilk

*   Fussy babies

*   Nipple shields

*   Understanding and parenting your new born

Ante Natal:

There is often lots of information about the birth in the antenatal period but not much about the feeding. I can provide you with education and guidance about breastfeeding before your baby arrives.  If you have had a previous difficult breastfeeding experience, this is also a great opportunity to gain support prior to your baby arriving.

Home Visits

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